“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”


Friday, February 17, 2012

"Why Go On GAPS?", You Ask.

I'm going to try to break this down simply.

Leaky Gut = teeny tiny holes in your intestinal walls which don't allow for the proper absorption of nutrients.  In turn, everything, including toxins, can leak out of the intestines.  This can contribute to things like asthma, diabetes, autism, adhd, rheumatoid arthritis, and lupus to name a few. 
*The general medical community may or may not agree with the above mentioned statements*

There are many things that can contribute to leaky gut syndrome.  Overuse of antibiotics, medications, poor diet, infections, and toxins are thought to lead to it. 

The GAPS diet (Gut and Psychology Syndrome) aims to help to heal the gut.  It does this by cutting out all the toxins and starting you on a diet of the simplest, nutritive, and easiest foods to digest.  You slowly add in other foods, watching for signs of an adverse reaction.  If you have a reaction, you wait, let your gut heal some more and try again. 

You increase your guts' healing by taking a strong probiotic.  I take Bio-Kult.
I also take cod liver oil caps.  I take Green Pasture's fermented cod liver oil capsules

I'm also in the process of researching a juicer.  They are either super pricey or they've got bad reviews.  Yikes.

Can I Really Go Grain Free?

Didn't your momma ever tell you that you can be whatever you want to be?  If you want to go grain free, you can do it! 
In our household, we have nut allergies.  I'd love to be able to substitute almond flour for things, but if I bring nuts into our home someone might die. 

It's amazing some of the combinations of food that create an almost grain texture.  Okay, I know that's not a winning argument.  But mix 2 eggs, a banana and a dash of vanilla together and you've got the batter for a pretty tasty pancake/crepe. 

I love sushi, pizza, pasta, granola and cannolis.  But I love my life more.  I want my children to have a momma who's not deformed or too in pain to play with.  I don't want to die before my parents.  And gosh darnit...I just want to feel good. 

Here's a very concise article regarding the dangers of gluten. 

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