“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”


Friday, February 24, 2012

Day 13, Stage 3 (day 4)

I used a fork today.  It's the little things that make me happy.  I made pancakes today.  My 2-year-old, who is carb happy, ate them and wanted more.  I drizzled a little honey on them for him.  He was in love.

Sunbutter Pancakes

1/2 cup sunbutter
2 cups butternut squash, cooked
3 eggs

Mix all together in blender.  Pour in hot skillet and cook for until bubbles appear, like with "regular" pancakes.  Then flip and cook through...about 1 minute.

I ate them for breakfast.  I also took some along on our family night outing.  Those and a bowl of soup.  The rest of the family had pizza and ice cream.  Fortunately, the owner of the restaurant we went to was kind enough to let me bring in my soup and eat it there.  I was fully prepared to eat it in the car. 

What I've noticed so far - I wake up better.  Prior to GAPS intro, I would go to sleep and sack out.  When presented with my husband waking up and trying to get me up, I was super resistant and cranky.  I would roll over and tell him to go away. 
Now, I actually go to sleep at the same time, sack out, and wake up moments before I need to get up and I'm okay with it. 

I've also noticed that my menstruation is a lot different.  I used to get a migraine a few days before it would start.  I'd get medium cramping at the start and would get painful constipation.  I would be gassy, too.  I've been on GAPS for almost 2 weeks.  My "migraine" came and went with only a glimmer of a headache.  It started and I thought, "Oh, here it comes." I went to bed and woke up without a headache.  It came back for a couple of hours the other day, but wasn't nearly as blinding...nothing even close.  I haven't had any cramping or pain. 

The last difference I've noticed is that I have no body odor.  Now, this is huge.  I mean HUGE.  I have been using coconut oil mixed with a wee bit of baking soda as my deodorant.  It's been a blessing.  But since I've had psoriasis I've only been using coconut oil as the baking soda aggravated the dry spots.  I'm not stinky.  It's pretty amazing stuff. 

How has GAPS benefited your life?

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