“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”


Monday, February 27, 2012

My Period (aka Menstruation)

Prior to GAPS, my menstrual cycle was regular, but the PMS symptoms were awful.  I only say "awful" because before I had children, I didn't really have any noticeable PMS symptoms.  In high school, my friends would all complain about cramping; some staying home from school it was so bad.  I was fortunate enough to not be able to relate. 
Fast forward to mommyhood.  I would get a migraine 3 to 5 days before getting my period.  It took quite a few instances for me to make the correlation.  Then I'd get painful constipation and super gassy.  Yes, I'm sharing quite a bit. 
My periods would be heavy, requiring to double up on pads, especially at night during the first few days.  They would last completely for 7 to 8 days. 

Since starting GAPS, my period has changed dramatically.  I'm on the 5th day right now and I've been spotting for 2 days.  I spotted for the first day, had medium flow for 2 days and then began spotting again.  I have had no pain, constipation or migraines. 

I wanted to see if this was normal.  So I went to the GAPS Guide site.  It seems to be a positive side-effect of GAPS!   Win-Win. 

Heal the gut, heal my ovaries. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Marisa,
    Thanks for stopping by to read my journey. I've totally noticed a change in my periods. However, I also notice that when I get off track I get heavier periods and more cramps. This summer has been hard because we do a lot of camping with other families. The kids want pancakes and cereal and oatmeal along with everyone else. I don't feel like fighting or cooking complicated meals outdoors, so we go with it. I also have had early mornings where I don't have time (or the thought) to prepare something for traveling. So I'd stop and grab a bagel a couple times a week. Not only did my fingers start to peel again, but I could tell when my period was coming. Indeed...very interesting. :)
