“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”


Sunday, March 11, 2012

Day 28, Stage 5 (day 8)

I've lost some weight.  I wish I could tell you exactly how much, but I can't.  You see, I don't own a scale.  I can tell you that in a week my husband lost 4.5 lbs from cutting grains out of his diet.  He jumps on the scale at work.  I could make an educated guess based on comments from people, the way my clothing fits and the way I feel.  I'd have to say about 10lbs in less than a month. 

Today I had some mango juice in my daily juicing. I also ate some more raw cucumbers.  I'm faring well.

More baked apples...

Prior to baking - cored apples with drizzled honey and cinnamon.

Baked at 350 degrees F for 1 hour.

With sunbutter!

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