“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”


Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Natural Deodorant

In an effort to detox my body of toxins, I have started using a natural deodorant. 

I have this weird thing going on with my underarms anyway.  Fox Fordyce is what it's called.  Okay, so I need to be clear...I have never been diagnosed with it.  My friend's sister has it.  She's been diagnosed.  I have the same symptoms as she does.  I self-diagnosed. 

Also, they are super duper itchy. 

I have avoided deodorants for the past two years and have been a stinky person. 

That has all ended.  No more stink-a-roo.

A small dab of coconut oil applied to the underarm moisturizes.  Then take that same finger and poke it into some baking soda.  Rub that onto the coconut oiled underarm.  Wait a moment so that you're not too greasy putting on lovely clothes you don't to get oiled. 


I have not been stinky.  AND if you skip a day, it's okay.  You still won't smell.  I don't shower every day.  It is sooo not by choice.  I have three little ones.  Sometimes, it just doesn't happen.  Plus, I'm too busy cooking soup to shower. 

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